Armada X: One Shot Till You Get Enough

The classic Michael Jackson disco track “Don’t Stop Till You Get Enough” is today’s pop culture reference. It’s been showing up in like half the things I read, ever since that karaoke night a couple days ago. I’m trying to kind of exorcise its power over me by mentioning it here. But anyway, there are those Three Sixty Publishing guys, and their XPG stuff and all that, and they have these OneShot MiniAdventure things. Fine idea, although the fact that you always hear gamers talking about the cool huge campaigns they would run, if only they had time, doesn’t necessarily say to me that they’ll buy something they can run – just that they want to run something they can’t. Selling something that solves a problem people don’t know they want solved can be difficult. ThreeSixty may be realizing this, as they’ve just released a “web enhancement” for their psionics-based OneShot, Armada X. The supplement features 24 new psych powers and some yummy new rules. (Mmmmm, rules.) Proof that any role-playing product will expand to fill all available space, or just that the force is love power?